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Investment Philosophy

BXB Capital applies a multi-facet strategy, relying on the fundamental principle of diversification. It's the backbone of the financial world and while not a revolutionary secret, it's an approach that puts emphasis on managing risk. We apply diversification to both our investment approach, and also our company ideals. We believe a well balanced team, with a diverse skill set, delivers the sharpest ability to evaluate opportunities that lie ahead.


Investing with intelligence is our premier guiding principle when it comes to risk management. Understanding industry dynamics, transitioning trends, the cost of capital, risk free rate, and average market returns are all key factors used in our pursuit of alpha.

BXB Capital Quant Fund

Established in 2018, the private fund has an objective to outperform the crypto markets on a risk adjusted return basis, over full market cycles. We are not an index fund and our proprietary, in-house strategies are derived from the team's experience, history and track record of developing and executing trading algorithms in the securities and commodities markets.


Both the underlying risk and volatility of crypto markets are high. Commodity trading involves substantial risk of loss and no performance is guaranteed. In consideration of market conditions, and their inherently higher risk and volatility, we apply a combination of what would be considered fundamental, quantitative and technical analysis. Our technical analysis is based primarily on price movement, similar to what’s traditionally used on financial securities like currencies or commodities, but intelligently adjusted to reflect the intricacies of the cryptocurrency industry.

Historical Ventures and Industry Support

Experts in finance, technology and entrepreneurial business, BXB has had a hands-on history supporting the early adoption of the industry. While highly selective and limited in nature, we believe it's important to help other entrepreneurs in need as we are all collectively responsible for promoting industry growth. Whether in mentorship, concept brainstorming, planning a go-to-market strategy, or company scaling - no topic is beyond our attention, even if it's simply how to dress to impress in this ever-changing industry.


Our expertise include:

  • Founder mentorship and coaching

  • Financial planning and asset advisory

  • Product and UX consulting

  • Go-to-market and business strategy

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Binance KR

A local arm of Binance's industry-leading global blockchain ecosystem with key responsibilities including addressing the needs of the Korean market, operating the Binance.KR cryptocurrency exchange and  growing adoption for Binance KRW (BKRW) stablecoin.

World's First KRW-Backed Stablecoin

Evolving from our knowledge of the Korean market, our team launched the first KRW-backed stable coin. The venture successfully exited to Binance, rolling forward into the setup of BKRW (Binance KRW) and the launch of Binance.KR.

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